For those who deny the existence
of a supreme power,
tell me what created your brain
that works from your birth till your death,
from your cradle to your grave
sans a fail ?
What created the air that is invisible
yet it is something we can't live without ?
What created
the universe, the galaxies, the cosmos
that science and astrology today talks about?
What created life in a womb, that breathes
without suffocation for nine months?
What created dreams when you are deep asleep?
What makes you wake up everyday
and take control of your life,
after a night's sleep when
nothing was under your control ?
What made death permanent and life temporary ?
You can think because you have a brain to think.
You can feel because you have a heart to feel.
You can sense because you have got sense organs.
What makes you think, feel and sense ?
You say you don't believe
in the existence of the Almighty, then
where does your invisible emotions originate from;
emotions of sadness, happiness, fear, anger ?
You say you deny
the existence of a supreme power
because you can't see it,
then why do you believe in the existence
of the evil spirits, that are unseen ?
People say, it is God who brings us to life
and it is God Himself that shall take us away.
If you don't believe in the existence
of a supreme power; a formless form,
can you then defeat death and be immortal ?
Copyright Shaheen Akhtar.