You who think you can know everything.
You who think you can surpass God's power.
You who is arrogant, you who is impatient.
You who is a pessimist, you who is evil-minded.
You who is an overthinker, you who is an egoist.
You who think you are wise enough
to decode God's mighty mystery of the universe.
You who think you are smart enough
to not being ignorant of anything.
You who think only you are blessed unlike the rest.
You who think only you are wise unlike the others.
We all have such a 'you' in us
which has every possibility to lead us to our downfall.
We are but humans and so we have got a conscience.
It is you who have to make use of your conscience
to not let the 'you' in you, overpower you.
Copyright Shaheen Akhtar.