There was once a place where men of different shapes and races romanced with the wild.
Within sacred woods and divine mist; they found home. Amidst the melancholic rains and laziness; they found harmony.
By the Brahmaputra, they sang songs of love and the gods. By the Patkai Hills, was the end of their world.
Attires smeared in colours of tropical birds and a heart beating to the rhythm of the Dhol…..
They were the natives of nature and of the lush greenery, scattered all around. They were an amalgamation of tribes with diversity...
Their culture’s so rich that history breathed in their veins. Originating from different clans and rituals yet they all lived in one spirit : the spirit of brotherhood.
The creatures; be the animals, the birds or the life under water; all lived a life of freedom and of abundance.
Thus, the kingdom of the indigenous men and women merrily celebrated nature; the harbinger of man's future.
Composed by :
Maharnav Bhuyan and Shaheen Akhtar.