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Namrata Talukdar
Jun 06, 2024
In Writing
A girl named Rain
and a boy named Umbrella,
Walked hand in hand in the midst of the uncanny woods.
Frightful dark woods braced by the light and sound .
Rain and Umbrella locked their eyes.
The runny feelings of the rain ,
Got suppressed by warning bells from the Umbrella.
'Just wait,not anywhere else but in my warm arms' said the concerned Umbrella.
Rain was sceptical,"Why did you say so ,why can't love happen now?"
Umbrella whispered in the dewy ears ,"It's not the time for love ,the storm is here now.
Let it pass away and I shall be yours forever."
Rain and Umbrella,
Two wild souls under the colossal blue sky,
Rain is cryptic while the umbrella is clear,
Entwined by the love laces.
Reassured each other that love never ends but just goes through phases.
Namrata Talukdar
Jul 23, 2021
In Writing
A Letter to my School I know you are upset ,as I couldn't visit you the last year . But how far I have come,that I still carry the worn out duster with a tear. I know the raindrops are not the same anymore. As the uniforms are safe in the wardrobe. The drenched dress and school bags , Lot of stories are yet to find the flag. I am sorry ,have no lunch breaks now But a break from the best part of life ,that gives me shivers down the spine . Dear School,I starve for knowledge ,but not sitting in the dark corner of my home . I long for the bustling classroom,the first rays of sunlight in the playground of memories. I will write my last lines only in the white shirt that I put on with pride. The screen and the light is now turning me sick . Please note that ,I will not end this bond with just a click.
Namrata Talukdar
Jul 18, 2021
In Writing
Free Bird- the Homecoming I touched gold this day,as I could speak the whole. My heart was in a cage of demolition I wanted to be a free bird with the obscurity vanish in thin air. I so longed to be with you,you cannot imagine the despair. I saw mother in the meadows again, Came out fast out of the guilt bars. The soldier accused yesterday ,is a free bird today. The homecoming after an acquittal ,I relish the supper of mother ,once again on a rainy Sunday.
Namrata Talukdar
Jul 06, 2021
In Writing
The Ladder A stormy night ,but the neighborhood lad waits for his love Why judge him everytime , everywhere A woman likes poetry more than men A young girl desires love and moves on An engineer sounds melodious ,and the doctor is writing a novel . Musicians start a business,as they do not wish to croon to baseless tunes. Do not fret ,as they are just being them The Ladder of Success ,not in the profession always. But in eternal happiness, extract little moments,shower and nurture.
Namrata Talukdar
Jul 03, 2021
In Writing
A white adorable thing with the golden pattern You light up my day near the computer Or my night as of now when my movie screen is on. Glorified and outrageous in the silver screen ,with six hundred bucks per bucket. Those were the days when the virus was at home. But still your memories and scent Hover in the lanes of happy times And here you brim ,pop and pop And the pressure cooker makes the sound The Twilight Saga ,me and my love ,the forever popcorn 🍿
Namrata Talukdar
Jul 03, 2021
In Writing
A World of Silence - Autism They always say I am the best A fresh breathe of air ,an innocent existence But the world varies,they never meet My place is so beautiful,once turn your feet towards my side I might not chatter and chirp like you,the conventional jolly chap Then I assure you to get creations beyond imagination. Give me some time the normal human. I observe and talk ,I mingle one at a time. Enter the cave of impossibilities , Autism ,a whirwind of vague expressions.
Namrata Talukdar
Jun 30, 2021
In Writing
Doctor's Day (1st July) A life saver, pretends to be in anaesthesia ,as if pain is an illusion. God within a man,but far away from the nerves of some so called human A Knight amidst this blood and gore The only one who cannot and do not give up on. Abuses hurled and they pelt stones at Him , yet the King does not retire . The saviour stands tall , testimony to infinite moments. The cry of the new born,the song of a son for the recovering mother . The prayers answered for an ailing father . A Messiah to all ,a real benefactor A salute on this day for you... There is another name for this God The Doctor,the life giver ,the rescuer. The patient friend of yours,the universal healer.
Namrata Talukdar
May 13, 2021
In Writing
Amidst the claustrophobia, The sanguine air is born,you finally breathe in a bed of peace and love . How do we live you ask? The sceptical faces , behind it some smiles sparkling to adorn moments undone ... This is how we have lived the last year where hope and despair are parallel ,a path carved with two worlds, certain and uncertain. Hope the Dalgona coffee is over by now ,and the cake making fest and also the biryani,hope death is not watched in the small screen with one of these in hand. How do we live now ? In utter fear where heart is on its own pace. Humanity disdained and questioned Protect the men ,women and children Before they vanish and their lofty existence tarnish.
Namrata Talukdar
May 11, 2021
In Writing
Amnesiac Pave the way for some light to enter Teach me how to erase memories I am in a dilemma that is growing Come back or make me amnesiac. Hold me till the heart beats like the racing chords where the red hues are flowing. I have to see you once or I die It's ravaging the inner me which is cold,numb and fragile. That you have deceived ,is beyond any belief. If I live more forth this betrayal, The corpse is yours ,may the postmortem begin. May the accused be caught ,or if I plead for my dear ones ,I shall be amnesiac ,for the stars, moon and the whole universe you tread.
Namrata Talukdar
Apr 30, 2021
In Writing
The Last Note The light of fire where I took the vows And that first step I gave in your house How I mistook it to be my own! All I wanted your presence to be worn. But then the feelings were unsheathed And your sharp conspiracies started to pierce my soul. Love is not to trap and mould my dear. Your love is to alter my core ,and you have started loving me more. But in the table I put the last words for today. Leaving memories of that beautiful amour. Wrap up the good words,and filter every bad thought .I was your's and always be your's.
Namrata Talukdar
Apr 29, 2021
In Writing
It's pin drop of silence,life stood still I couldn't find you by the bedside this dawn. A nightmare befell,it can never be. The worst thing already touched me You are not mine anymore ,nor am I yours,I am so lovelorn. I have engulfed fear , the postmortem of the deceased can be ceased now. Let the corpse lead it's journey on his own. Fear is now that your memories may fade. I have fear,can I ever rest in peace . I have fear to create a world where bonds are eventually made.
Namrata Talukdar
Apr 28, 2021
In Writing
Exploring Happiness. #NaPoWriMo I went for a hunt so that I could get hold of you. A trip to the wild,or to some distant island. I searched you in some delicious culinaries,but Alas! no fate at all. I have been looking for you in other humans. But how can I find you there,you are no more present. I went to the riverside ,and saw my reflection. Oh ! What a pain,how sad I look today How bad I have made my life in a silly exploration. I woke up ,head held high ,I give a word I have it within me ,an intrinsic thing it is I am happy inside,no more will I seek for perfection.
Namrata Talukdar
Apr 27, 2021
In Writing
Politically correct #NaPoWriMo They were politically correct,when they said ," Demonetisation is done to extract black money". But could you see the tears of the house help? Who shedded thousand drops of tears Who lost her money ,earned from only hardwork ,she felt as if she lost herself. They were politically correct ,when they said ," The citizenship is their right." Remain blindfolded when emotions were killed in the roads ,here and there. They ceased network ,they ceased life. And this time they are politically correct,when they said ," It's ok to be at gatherings ,there is no existence of a dangerous virus,it's gone forever." But we are at fault definitely,we can never be politically correct . High time we learn this art. Not to achieve ,but atleast to survive.
Namrata Talukdar
Apr 26, 2021
In Writing
A Plea -from the feminist #NaPowrimo
Like the flowing colours in the canvas
She is a natural rebel,an integral part
She made her way to dethrone any inequality.
Like the cascading stream
Her vigour flows out in the patriarchy.
"Do not judge me human ,as we both are similar.
Make no difference today ,make no groups.
I am here to protect the poignant soul
Like the blooming garden ,a plea we make,let us grow in your world , hoping not to see any foul"
Namrata Talukdar
Apr 25, 2021
In Writing
A Humane Touch #NaPoWriMo The virus ripped the soul of some A thunder storm,and zillions died A section filled with closed eyes and a special coffee at home. Turned a blind eye ,to the inflicted pain of migrants. No space in your life for the destitute . Your wardrobe and kitchen form a bedsheet , in the walls of the never ending social media galore. Is this the best time you ever had ? Where on earth do you reside? With such a nihilistic side of yours. Why pain and sorrow is fun for you? Who calls you human, and why even are you? Let this carnage be over, your fun and frolic can wait.
Namrata Talukdar
Apr 24, 2021
In Writing
A Different Summer #NaPoWriMo In the scorching sun of heated May The worker and the kids made their way. It was such a different summer of 2020. The lonely roads where the coconuts and watermelons were once seen merry making. The migrants walked miles to get their share of pay. The sweating shirt had a different story to say. The ice cream vendors are no more visible in the quiet streets . Its a difficult summer , it's a different summer.
Namrata Talukdar
Apr 23, 2021
In Writing
Miss Jumble Fumble #NaPoWriMo Well ,well , well here I present to you Miss Jumble Fumble with whom you can have a great time. All was good till we got to know orkut was not a social network but a student's coaching institute prime. For Facebook she ransacked the national library ,but could not find a trace of the book ! Oh ! dear Instagram where on earth you are. I searched the instant messages , could not address you there. The chirping birds so many here, But jumbled she was once again Heard all were applications for a communication better But as the sun sets ,she wondered which among these birds is called Twitter.
Namrata Talukdar
Apr 22, 2021
In Writing
Heal the Earth #NaPoWriMo Our steadfast planet ,never should it be wronged. The beautiful land of my mother Embellished with the greenery The sparkling water of the rivers. I long to see the untamed beauty again When will you be cured,when the air will be pure. The woods can replace the plastics So that we can respire,humans are not lost. The Earth is dying on it's own At first bring some life to breathe, heal the Earth,the factories and the carbon dioxide can wait. First let us remain alive This carnage be over soon,let the earth survive and we shall no more turn bait.
Namrata Talukdar
Apr 21, 2021
In Writing
Peace with Tagore Sir #NaPoWriMo My eyes shut in serenity And my ears treat the mesmerizing tunes ,the golden tunes of love Peace is the music of Tagore for me. In the nostalgia with a cup of tea My soul lusts for that eve of harmony. The rain and the song about a love affair,I reminiscence that time When I was your's and you were mine. Peace is where you are,and everything on this magnus world was just about fine. Peace is the song about moving in solitude,with none to hold your hand. Sitting by the seashore, listening to Tagore. There is more to write ,but the pen wishes to feel the beauty of the tranquil abode.
Namrata Talukdar
Apr 20, 2021
In Writing
Let us not die....#NapowriMo theme : Open Those strange days are here again It's murkier this time,in parts they swallow. Let not the human transform to a carcass Why not some patience, O Human ! A tinge of green strategies is a trick , A call to the rebellious and angry mass. Hitherto,we all suffice with the charm of it,the mask. To get away with the drama encircling societal norms Not so hard to put the veil at all But the masks are visible now Something which has broken our slumber Oh! Why dear…..we were all at such solace. Why the sudden terror,and why the need to unmask now? Protect your tribe,do not allow shame to engulf It is easier to put up than your pretension,it’s calm and undemanding Beyond the facets ,it’s the reality. Let your love be profound,let the masks make many a fold. Let us not become a carcass,let us not die ,let us be grateful ,ask the time to hold.
Namrata Talukdar
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