What is happiness, if not lived for others?
What is happiness,
if you can't love people truly?
What is happiness, if you cannot find joy in another person's achievements?
What is happiness, if you cannot be
the reason for someone's smile?
Is happiness
always about personal gains?
Is happiness selfish?
Should your happiness be
always about you?
Is 'I, Me, Myself'
the key to your happiness?
Can't we be happy when others are?
Can't we acknowledge this that
everybody deserves to be happy and,
that what we deserve
may differ from person to person?
That which a person is blessed with;
can't we accept that it was destined
for them alone for a reason
the Almighty knows best?
Each one of us is fighting a silent battle.
Each one of us has sorrows
rooted deep within.
None of our lives have been easy!
If someone is bestowed with some goodness or happiness in their lives,
can't then we be happy for them
and double their happiness?
Isn't happiness all about being humane?
Copyright Shaheen Akhtar.